Inhaler Testing
Welcome to AB FIA:s section for Inhaler testing – Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug Products (OINDP). Read more about our products or download our Catalogue ABFIA – Expanding the World of Inhaler testing.
We can fully equip your laboratory for a range of tests of OINDPs. Through our partnership with several lab equipment suppliers and with unique FIA-made products we can make your methods more precise, accurate and efficient.
Examples Based on Typical Inhalation Device Testing
- Mouthpiece adapters moulded according to your device fitted onto induction ports and inlets of the NGI, ACI, MLI and EP <0671>/USP <601> collectors.
- P1 dP connection to
- Critical flow controller, depending on model presenting P1, P2, P3 and Q, incl. printouts. Versatile with small footprint.
- Foreign particle analysis, ergonomic lab tools designed for pollution reduction when working in LAF cabinets.
- Breathing Profile Generator F-SIG 6300, ranging from rodent (0.1 l), smoker and adult profiles up to 6 liters. Single inhalation or tidal cycles.
- Software Metivent designed specifically for inhalation testing connected to volumetric air flow or TSI mass flow meters. Applications are recording of flow profiles (import into F-SIG 6300!), trigger points and rise time determination.
- Fully automated DDU, waste and AIM analyses, combined with semi-automated impactor FPD dosing.
High-throughput equipment for dispensing, agitation and sampling to make your lab work more efficient.
We hope you find our range of products and services attractive. Some are off-the-shelf as evident by the trade-item-number and can be ordered through our Online Store, or customized.
For the latter just write us a line at!